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Whispers about me

Incredibly short biography

*I was born 45 summers ago in the Netherlands.
*I've got Sun in Cancer, Chinese starsign: Dog.
*I'm a 'Rubens'like woman (often addicted to chocolates).
*Once addicted to much worse, and learned a lot.
*Two fantastic sons, Tom & Vince (18 & 12).
*One soulmate, my man-mountain Tian.
*Two great sisters: Daphne & Mirjam.
*A few close girlfriends.
*Two dogs, three cats.
*Lotsa stray's (mostly animal but some human)looking for (and finding) refuge.
*I write ... sometimes.
*I'm a spiritual soul.
*I collect shells & fossiles, stones & things I find in the woods.
*Mixed education, like flower arrangements.
*I'm an 'empath' and a friend.
*I'm a poet by birth.
*I've learned to love life.
*I've learned to fear life.
*I'm pre-occupied with Death & Life.
*I study (auto-didact).
*I am drawn towards philosophy and Buddhism.
*I like to exchange thoughts. :-D

Do you know me better now ?