My posse ...

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This is me and my favorite doggie Tattoo.
I'll tell you a little about my Taatje...
Taatje came in our lives almost two years ago, when he sat at our frontdoor for days & days, waiting to come in.
We knew his master, so we've brought him home ... again & again, but Taat kept returning to the food and warmth & love he was getting here.
And one very cold night, it was snowing, we found him curled up under the hedge in the snow.
From that moment on we didn't sent him back home anymore, especially because we knew he was kept locked up outside the house the whole day ... all days, and hardly got any food at all.
I can tell you I have never loved a dog like him before.
He's so special to me..... my Taatje.

The flowergarden links to Les Plaines .. where my dad lives.

Home grown ;-)

Me & Vincent

Me & Tomas

Ex Love of my life Christian

My youngest sister Daphne

My sister Mirjam

My friend Rita with firstborn Jodhi

Rita with youngest Kira


My livingroom on a normal day


My living before the PC invasion !

Kira again

and Jodhi once more

And one of them together

Me smiling at the cam

Sweet little girl

Little Angel